sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2007


This and one blog that it deals with the quetão on the aid order of the Amazonia. where we can share suggestions, cares and measures that devos to take so that the consequencias of everything this that comes happening does not increase each time more and that they do not come in harming them in such a way, having time still to act in our favor, why what we made this yesterday feletindo now, and what we will make today reflects amanha, and amanha ja started, the future of our children depends very on in. voce nao goes is ai motionless seeing the things to happen and to botar the guilt in the politica and that Brazil is imported with futilidades, voce has that to make and to have moral to speak, nao cost nothing in concientizarmos them of our acts, this and citizenship, and with certainty still and time to change much thing.

Um comentário:

djk disse...

O que você fez hoje para melhora do nosso planeta??

Sera que você economizou água,você deu uma bronca no vizinho que estava lavando a calçada,você desligou os aparelhos eletronicos que não estavam sendo usados?

Bom sei que não é muito,mas experimente fazer isso hoje,amanhã...você vera o resultado logo logo ;)

beiijos :*